Recover your hair from the ravages of DHT

The Definitive Guide

Menopause & Hormone-Related Hair Loss

How to Keep Your Hair Full, Thick & Healthy As Your Body Changes
Have you been affected by hair loss or hair thinning following menopause?

1 out of every 2 women will also suffer from poor hair health following menopause.

This FREE GUIDE will cover everything you need to know about hair loss during and following menopause.

Are you looking for Fuller, thicker, more healthy hair for women going through menopause and other hormonal imbalances?


  • What are hormones and how do they change following the onset of menopause?
  • ​How those hormonal changes effect your hair health?
  • What you can do about hair loss & hair thinning during menopause?
  • The home-made remedies that you can prepare at home to recover quickly from hair problems following the onset of menopause
  • And much, much more